Please click the "Support Luge" link to help the club maintain the opportunity for the public to try out this distinctive winter sport. Also consider becoming a member... we are a friendly club with a great mission.
The UPLC does not want money to be a barrier to participation. We have never turned a child or a family away because they couldn't afford a membership. At one point in our after school program 15 of the 25 kids were participating under sponsored memberships. In addition, every year there are always a few kids who need to be outfitted with proper winter coats and snow pants. We take care of each other more like a family than a club. |
We enjoy hosting the many people we meet at the luge track... and thank you for supporting this family-friendly, and internationally competitive, winter sport.
The Upper Peninsula Luge Club
The Upper Peninsula Luge Club
Did you know? |
Youth and their families from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have been traveling to Negaunee throughout the winter to practice luge. Along with other club volunteers, they also keep the track clear, and help visitors try out the sport. In the other seasons, the club members meet to maintain the track walls, grade, and buildings, and to encourage the competition team's ongoing physical fitness testing.